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Emmanuel Moreau

Emmanuel Moreau

Senior fullstack web developer / Lead developer / Scrum master - Freelancer

37 years old
Driving License
Freelancer Available
More than 10 years of experience in IT engineering. Full stack developer looking forward to keeping on evolving both technically and functionally as well as increasing responsibilities in project management. Friendly and comfortable with people. Interested in English speaking opportunities. Based in Annecy - France and looking for local or remote / hybrid jobs.
  • Master degree internship - Salomon - May 2011 to August 2011 - Annecy - France : Design of the update strategy of Amer Sports stores ERP. Deployment in Annecy's pilot store. Developed skills : Autonomy - Retail.
  • Temporary work - IT support - Alcatel Vacuum Technology - July 2008 - Annecy - France : Replacement of production area's computers. OS configuration and industrial software deployment. Developed skills : Windows - Autonomy.
  • Associate degree internship - LAPP (Particles physics laboratory) - April 2007 to June 2007 - Annecy - France : Design and development of a data acquisition and processing software used for feasibility tests of an international particles accelerator. Developed skills : UML - Python - C++ - Team working.